What is Wrong with Peter Singer's Thought Experiment
A philosophical thought experiment is supposed to clarify a philosophical problem. Peter Singer’s famous thought experiment about the difference, or lack of difference, between saving a nearby life versus saving a far away life, does appear to clarify, but in fact it conceals an illegitimate move. The assumption that morality applies universally leads to a problem: are we, as individuals, morally responsible for the whole world? This would imply an impossible burden on each human being. Singer’s logic is relentless and seems irrefutable. But he makes an illegitimate move when he goes from a moral ought to an ethical ought. Singer, like most modern and ancient philosophers, (with some prominent exceptions, i.e. PF Strawson, Bernard Williams and Stephen Darwall ) , believes that there is no real difference between morality and ethics. As a preliminary I’d like to thank Professor Singer for doing philosophy a service in putting moral p...